
Here is the documentation for the methods in the wos.client.WosClient class.

class wos.client.WosClient(user=None, password=None, SID=None, close_on_exit=True, lite=False, proxy=None, timeout=600, throttle=(2, 1))

Query the Web of Science. You must provide user and password only to user premium WWS service.

with WosClient() as wos:
results = wos.search(…)
citedReferences(uid, count=100, offset=1, retrieveParameters=None)

The citedReferences operation returns references cited by an article identified by a unique identifier. You may specify only one identifier per request.

Uid:Web of Science unique record identifier
Count:Number of records to display in the result. Cannot be less than 0 and cannot be greater than 100. If count is 0 then only the summary information will be returned.
Offset:First record in results to return. Must be greater than zero
 Retrieve parameters. If omitted the result of make_retrieveParameters(offset, count, ‘RS’, ‘D’) is used.
citedReferencesRetrieve(queryId, count=100, offset=1, retrieveParameters=None)

The citedReferencesRetrieve operation submits a query returned by a previous citedReferences operation.

This operation is useful for overcoming the retrieval limit of 100 records per query. For example, a citedReferences operation may find 106 cited references, as revealed by the content of the recordsFound element, but it returns only records 1-100. You could perform a subsequent citedReferencesretrieve operation to obtain records 101-106.

QueryId:The query ID from a previous citedReferences operation
Count:Number of records to display in the result. Cannot be less than 0 and cannot be greater than 100. If count is 0 then only the summary information will be returned.
Offset:First record in results to return. Must be greater than zero
 Retrieve parameters. If omitted the result of make_retrieveParameters(offset, count, ‘RS’, ‘D’) is used.
citingArticles(uid, count=100, offset=1, editions=None, timeSpan=None, retrieveParameters=None)

The citingArticles operation finds citing articles for the article specified by unique identifier. You may specify only one identifier per request. Web of Science Core Collection (WOS) is the only valid database for this operation.


A unique item identifier. It cannot be None or empty string.


Number of records to display in the result. Cannot be less than 0 and cannot be greater than 100. If count is 0 then only the summary information will be returned.


First record in results to return. Must be greater than zero


List of editions to be searched. If None, user permissions will be substituted.

Fields: collection - Name of the collection edition - Name of the edition


This element defines specifies a range of publication dates. If timeSpan is null, then the maximum time span will be inferred from the editions data.

Fields: begin - Beginning date for this search. Format: YYYY-MM-DD end - Ending date for this search. Format: YYYY-MM-DD


Retrieve parameters. If omitted the result of make_retrieveParameters(offset, count, ‘RS’, ‘D’) is used.


The close operation loads the session if it is valid and then closes it and releases the session seat. All the session data are deleted and become invalid after the request is processed. The session ID can no longer be used in subsequent requests.


Authenticate to WOS and set the SID cookie.


Returns True if the client is for WOS lite

static make_retrieveParameters(offset=1, count=100, name='RS', sort='D')

Create retrieve parameters dictionary to be used with APIs.

Count:Number of records to display in the result. Cannot be less than 0 and cannot be greater than 100. If count is 0 then only the summary information will be returned.
Offset:First record in results to return. Must be greater than zero
Name:Name of the field to order by. Use a two-character abbreviation to specify the field (‘AU’: Author, ‘CF’: Conference Title, ‘CG’: Page, ‘CW’: Source, ‘CV’: Volume, ‘LC’: Local Times Cited, ‘LD’: Load Date, ‘PG’: Page, ‘PY’: Publication Year, ‘RS’: Relevance, ‘SO’: Source, ‘TC’: Times Cited, ‘VL’: Volume)
Sort:Must be A (ascending) or D (descending). The sort parameter can only be D for Relevance and TimesCited.
relatedRecords(uid, count=100, offset=1, editions=None, timeSpan=None, retrieveParameters=None)

The relatedRecords operation finds Related Records for the article specified by unique identifier. Related Records share cited references with the specified record. The operation returns the parent record along with the Related Records. The total number of Related Records for the parent record is shown at the end of the response. Use the retrieve parameter count to limit the number of Related Records returned.


A unique item identifier. It cannot be None or empty string.


Number of records to display in the result. Cannot be less than 0 and cannot be greater than 100. If count is 0 then only the summary information will be returned.


First record in results to return. Must be greater than zero


List of editions to be searched. If None, user permissions will be substituted.

Fields: collection - Name of the collection edition - Name of the edition


This element defines specifies a range of publication dates. If timeSpan is null, then the maximum time span will be inferred from the editions data.

Fields: begin - Beginning date for this search. Format: YYYY-MM-DD end - Ending date for this search. Format: YYYY-MM-DD


Retrieve parameters. If omitted the result of make_retrieveParameters(offset, count, ‘RS’, ‘D’) is used.

retrieve(queryId, count=100, offset=1, retrieveParameters=None)

The retrieve operation submits a query returned by a previous search, citingArticles, relatedRecords, or retrieveById operation. However, different retrieval parameters may be used to modify the output. For example, if a search operation returns five records sorted by times cited, a subsequent retrieve operation could run the same search against the same database and edition but return 10 records sorted by relevance.

This operation is also useful for overcoming the retrieval limit of 100 records per query. For example, a search operation may find 220 records, as revealed by the content of the recordsFound element, but it returns only records 1-100. A subsequent retrieve operation could return records 101-200 and a third retrieve operation the remaining 20.

QueryId:The query ID from a previous search
Count:Number of records to display in the result. Cannot be less than 0 and cannot be greater than 100. If count is 0 then only the summary information will be returned.
Offset:First record in results to return. Must be greater than zero
 Retrieve parameters. If omitted the result of make_retrieveParameters(offset, count, ‘RS’, ‘D’) is used.
retrieveById(uid, count=100, offset=1, retrieveParameters=None)

The retrieveById operation returns records identified by unique identifiers. The identifiers are specific to each database.

Uid:Web of Science unique record identifier
Count:Number of records to display in the result. Cannot be less than 0 and cannot be greater than 100. If count is 0 then only the summary information will be returned.
Offset:First record in results to return. Must be greater than zero
 Retrieve parameters. If omitted the result of make_retrieveParameters(offset, count, ‘RS’, ‘D’) is used.
search(query, count=5, offset=1, editions=None, symbolicTimeSpan=None, timeSpan=None, retrieveParameters=None)

The search operation submits a search query to the specified database edition and retrieves data. This operation returns a query ID that can be used in subsequent operations to retrieve more records.


User query for requesting data. The query parser will return errors for invalid queries


Number of records to display in the result. Cannot be less than 0 and cannot be greater than 100. If count is 0 then only the summary information will be returned.


First record in results to return. Must be greater than zero


List of editions to be searched. If None, user permissions will be substituted.

Fields: collection - Name of the collection edition - Name of the edition


This element defines a range of load dates. The load date is the date when a record was added to a database. If symbolicTimeSpan is specified, the timeSpan parameter must be omitted. If timeSpan and symbolicTimeSpan are both omitted, then the maximum publication date time span will be inferred from the editions data.

Valid values: ‘1week’ - Specifies to use the end date as today and the begin date as 1 week prior to today. ‘2week’ - Specifies to use the end date as today and the begin date as 2 week prior to today. ‘4week’ - Specifies to use the end date as today and the begin date as 4 week prior to today.


This element defines specifies a range of publication dates. If timeSpan is used, the symbolicTimeSpan parameter must be omitted. If timeSpan and symbolicTimeSpan are both omitted, then the maximum time span will be inferred from the editions data.

Fields: begin - Beginning date for this search. Format: YYYY-MM-DD end - Ending date for this search. Format: YYYY-MM-DD


Retrieve parameters. If omitted the result of make_retrieveParameters(offset, count, ‘RS’, ‘D’) is used.